MDA Boosters
Mission Statement
The Booster Board is a volunteer committee that manages and administers the Mater Dei Academy CYO Athletic Program – supporting the parishes of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Wickliffe) and Immaculate Conception (Willoughby). The Committee works within the CYO Charter and By-laws to assist in developing new programs and sport’s rules to continue the success and strength of the CYO program. The Board encourages parents, coaches and athletes to compete in a Christian spirit of sportsmanship, teamwork and cooperation.
2023-2024 Mater Dei Academy Athletic Booster Board:
- President: Trent Gondek
- Vice President: open
- Treasurer: Robin Little
- Secretary: Debbie Summers
- Equipment Manager: open
- Athletic Director: Greg McGough
- Athletic Administrator: open
- Volunteer Coordinator: open
- Concessions Manager(s): open
- Sports Commissioners:
- Football/Basketball Commissioner: Greg McGough
- Volleyball Commissioner: Robin Little
- XC/Track Commissioner: open
Booster Board Meetings are usually the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm and typically held in Goretti Hall at OLMC. Meetings are open to anyone that is interested in volunteering to help develop our student-athletes and programs. All volunteers are welcome.
Contact us: To contact the Athletic Director or any member of the Boosters organization, please email us at